Tir Web Framework Officially Up

This is a quick post announcing that I finally setup the Tir Web Framework Site.

There you will find:

  • Install instructions
  • Getting Started guide
  • Contributor Instructions
  • Downloads for source, luarocks, example code.

I spent the last month crafting Tir at the same time that I worked on my latest side project Hype.la. During the development I came up with a way to have all your cakes and eat it too. You can have coroutine based handlers, stateless, and evented, and mix and match them in the same application.

I found that this “State Agnostic” approach meant that I could use whatever worked best for each interface. I’ll go more into it later when I talk about Hype.la more and show how I used the different state styles to make the application.

About Hype.la
I really needed to have something real I could use Mongrel2 and Tir on, and a friend gave me a pretty neat idea for a “social advert trading thing”. I wrote Hype.la to implement the idea and also to work out all the various features Tir needed. I also ended up learning a lot about CSS and design at the same time, so yes, I did all of the UI for better or worse.

You can read more about it on, well, the about page.

Feel free to try Hype.la out but keep in mind it’s only been live for like 2 days. It’s stayed up, but there’s a bunch of bugs and stuff I need to fix before people can really start using it.

I will eventually release the code to Hype.la as a large real demo of Mongrel2 and Tir, so stay tuned for that. I first have to work out things like unit testing with Tir and the deployment scenario. Right now it’s very much “works for me” code.


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